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Infantile Botulism

Clostridium Botulinum

Treatment for all FBI

Treatment for botulism




Treatment of Listeriosis

Treatment with antibiotics; early diagnosis is key to success of treatment.

raw or undercooked beef; causes severe stomach cramps/ diarrhea/vomiting; cook ground meat to internal temp of 71 C

treatment is to give an anti-toxin at hospital via injection

caused from giving honey to a child under 1 year of age

common culprits include baked potatoes/canned goods; symptoms descending paralysis; don't eat baked potatoes stored in foil; don't eating food from bulging cans

symptoms such as diarrhea/fever/nausea occur 2 to 5 days after; affects childre under 5 and 15-29 yrs old most often; some people get very sick with Guillain Barr Syndrome; can pass onto others even if you don't have symptoms

found in hot dogs; soft cheese as brie, pate; may lead to miscarriage or brain infections; particularly bad for pregnant woman.

treatment includes staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest. seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or you are feeling dehydrated or very lethargic

caused by raw poultry, raw eggs or mayonnaise; symptoms 6 to 72 hours after infected