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1 . Within a short walk lived a family with whom ____________________ Bennets were particularly intimate .
2 . 'The fact is they simply disliked all ____________________ Fosnachts' . ? So what was the penalty for being ____________________ Fosnacht ? ' ? ? I forget . '
3 . He looked at himself in the glass . Here , then , was ____________________ modern Hercules ? very distinct from that unpleasant naked figure with plenty of muscles , brandishing a club .
4 . I happened to get ____________________ nicely illustrated Goethe the other day .
5 . Aren't you ____________________ Cicero , talking so finely !
6 . So ____________________ Rubens , said ( ? ) Simpson , would be taken over to France , where it would pass into the millionaire's possession .
7 . ( ? ) Mozart has been called ____________________ Raphael of music .