Créer une activité
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1 - My mom and dad are good at science ____________________ them I'm not very good .
2 - Rome is a great place to visit , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ I prefer vistit London .
3 - My friends want to go outside . ____________________ , It is raining .
4 - He was feeling very Ill , ____________________ he went to work .
5 - Hannah is completely quiet , ____________________ her mother .
6 - I want to play soccer , but ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , I have to prepare the dinner .
7 - I really enjoyed the movie , ____________________ I prefer the book .
8 - I am very hungry , ____________________ the fridge is empty .
9 - ____________________ sugar , cholesterol does not break down in tho the blood .
10 - I want to go eat , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , I have to study hard .