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Roe v. Wade

Marbury v. Madison

Engel v. Vitale

New York Times v. United States

Wisconsin v. Yoder

US v. Lopez

Baker v. Carr

Citizens United v. FEC

Schneck v. US

McDonald v. Chicago

McCulloch v. Maryland

Tinker V. Des Moines

Gideon v. Wainright

Shaw v. Reno

Brown v. Board of Education

Limited speech if there is a "Clear and present danger"

Judicial Review

Limited Federal power over commerce clause

Ended Segregation

2nd Amendment applies to states

Race cannot be considered for redistricting

Unlimited Spending on Campaigns

Protected student speech in schools

Freedom of religion, no mandatory schooling if it is against religion

States must provide lawyer for poor

No prayer in schools

Implied Powers, National Bank

Freedom of the Press is protected from Government desire's to suppress

Privacy, right to abortion

Equal sized districts, "one man, one vote"