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Our first government failed . It was called the Articles of ____________________ . Basically , it was designed to be ____________________ because the new USA did not trust a strong central government . As a result - the AOC depended too much on the ____________________ who did not trust each other . The Articles could do a number of things but did not have the authority to ____________________ so it could not fund an ____________________ or navy . The Articles failed and was replaced by a document and government known as the ____________________ .
Several compromises were needed to pass the constitution . A ____________________ house legislature was created to satisfy both large and ____________________ states . Because the House of ____________________ was based on ____________________ , it was determined that slaves would be counted 3 / 5 in a compromise between southern and ____________________ states . To pass the constitution , ____________________ and Anti - Federalists argued over adding a ____________________ of ____________________ to the document . A Bill of rights - protecting civil liberties - was added later to the Constitution as its first 10 ____________________ . According to the authors of our founding documents - our rights are provided to us by ____________________ . It is the role of ____________________ to secure or protect those rights . In fact , the government gets its power from the consent of the ____________________ it is supposed to protect and if it fails to protect - or becomes ____________________ - it is the right of the ____________________ to change or abolish it .