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1 . No one can doubt the ____________________ of a computer .
2 . ____________________ liked the new snacks and sales were very high .
3 . The patient's health was ____________________ rapidly despite his doctors' best efforts .
4 . Constant fishing is seriously ____________________ fish stocks in the oceans .
5 . Endless disagreements have ____________________ the peace progress .
6 . Being tired can seriously ____________________ your ability to drive safely .
7 . The authorities tried to shift the ____________________ for the accident , but the police didn't believe him .
8 . All new restaurants must undergo ____________________ by the health department .
9 . The speech got an enthusiastic ____________________ from the crowd .
10 . Recent successes in combating pollution have enhanced the country's international ____________________ .
11 . Lots of film stars ____________________ products like perfume and aftershave .
12 . People are worried that new government powers may ____________________ on their freedom .