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HARPOON. It's an artifact that is used to hunt whales. It’s long, and has a sharp point.

GOLD. With this, the captain will pay the sailor who saw Moby Dick first.


SAILOR. They are the people who are on the boat.

GUN. It's a dangerous device, with this the person would kill someone

BARREL. Wooden container to hold liquids such as whale oil

BONE. Of this material the captain's leg was made

COFFIN. It's the furniture where the sailor will stay when he die.

ROPES. They are used to steer the sails of the boats.

THROW. It's the action that they carry out with the harpoon when they go to hunt the whales

KNIFE. Is an artifact used to cut

SHIP. They're the whole crew like the Captain Ahab, Queequeg and Pip

WHALE OIL. It's the way they use the fat of the whale. This oil is sold


WHALER. It’s a boat designed for hunt the whales

WHALE. It's an animal like moby dick. Is huge, and lives in the ocean.

MOBY DICK. It is a white whale. Wanted by the sailors and the men of Captain Ahab.

MAPS. It’s the guide for the ship, the Captain Ahab throw the maps to the ocean

BOAT. Here, the sailor goes to hunt and fight with the whales

ROW. It’s the action that is performed when they are in the rowboats.

Whale oil is made from this. In spanish means: grasa - grasa de la ballena

The material with which boats are built. With this material they built the coffin.