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____________________ : This step involves mapping out exactly how to achieve a particular goal . Say , for example , that the organization's goal is to improve company sales . The manager first needs to ____________________ which steps are necessary to accomplish that goal . These steps may include increasing advertising , inventory , and sales staff . These necessary steps are developed into a plan . When the plan is in place , the manager can follow it to accomplish the goal of improving company sales .
· Organizing : After a plan is in place , a manager needs to ____________________ her team and materials according to her plan . Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organizing .
· ____________________ : After a manager discerns his area's needs , he may decide to beef up his staffing by recruiting , selecting , training , and developing employees . A manager in a large organization often works with the company's human resources department to accomplish this goal .
· Leading : A manager needs to do more than just plan , organize , and staff her team to achieve a goal . She must also lead . ____________________ involves ____________________ , ____________________ , guiding , and encouraging . It requires the manager to coach , assist , and problem solve with employees .
· ____________________ : After the other elements are in place , a manager's job is not finished . He needs to continuously check results against goals and take any corrective actions necessary to make sure that his area's plans remain on track .