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a ) Fill in the blanks using 'a bit' with the words in brackets .

Eg : " The buses weren't very fast . ( slow )

" The buses were [ a bit slow ] . "

1 . The Museum wasn't very interesting . ( boring )

The Museum was ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

2 . It isn't very warm today . ( cold )

It is ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ today .

3 . The people weren't very friendly . ( unfriendly )

The people were ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

4 . The meal wasn't very cheap ! ( expensive )

The meal was ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

b ) Fill in the blanks using 'really' with the words in brackets .

Eg : " It was hot on the train "

" It was [ really ] hot on the train "

1 . We had a great time .

We had a ____________________ ____________________ time .

2 . I was tired after the journey .

I was ____________________ ____________________ after the journey .

3 . I think Berlin is an amazing city .

I think Berlin is a ____________________ ____________________ city .

4 . There was a long queue for the museum .

There was a ____________________ ____________________ queue for the museum .

5 . It's a big shop .

It's a ____________________ ____________________ shop .