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( 1 ) Fred M Carroll invented the ____________________ printing machine that could print 400 IBM punch cards per minute . * * * ( 2 ) The word " robot " is derived from the ____________________ language and it means " compulsory labor " . * * * ( 3 ) By the end of World War I , most companies from two industries were using the IBM tabulation machines - Insurance and ____________________ . * * * ( 4 ) The robot invented by Roy Wensley to answer telephones was called Herbert ____________________ . * * * ( 5 ) James ____________________ was one of CTR's main competitors . * * * ( 6 ) The chess automaton invented by Leonardo Torres y Quevedo was called The ____________________ . * * * ( 7 ) The full name of IBM is International Business ____________________ Corporation . * * * ( 8 ) The IBM Type 3 - S Tabulator used a rewireable ____________________ that could be swapped to represent different jobs .