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1 . It isn't my dog . It is Peter's . It is ____________________ .
2 . Jane and Simon have got a big room , but our room is bigger than ____________________ .
3 . I don't want to play with your toys . I prefer ____________________ .
4 . The book is not ____________________ . She doesn't have Spanish books .
5 . I can't find my pencil . Jim , can I borrow ____________________ ?
6 . Are those Jeff's shoes or they aren't ____________________ ?
7 . My house is very old . How about ____________________ ?
8 . Can we go in your car ? ____________________ is at the mechanic's .
9 . Betty doesn't like her father's job , because it is boring . ____________________ is much more interesting .
10 . That computer belongs to Sonia . It is ____________________ .