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Natural resources


Natural products




It is the science that studies the composition, structure, dynamics and history of the Earth, including its natural resources (energy, minerals, water ...), as well as the processes that affect its surface and, therefore, the environment.

Set of atmospheric conditions typical of a place, consisting of the amount and frequency of rainfall, humidity, temperature, winds, etc., and whose complex action influences the existence of beings subjected to it.

Bounded surface, which is distinguished from its surroundings.

It is the study of soils in their natural environment.

They are elements of nature that help or contribute to the well-being and development for living beings in different things, for example, trees provide oxygen.

Extension of land that belongs to a state, province or other type of political division.

It is the science or branch of geography and earth sciences that deals with the study of meteorological phenomena and their variations over chronological time.

Is the science that studies the weather, the atmospheric environment, the phenomena produced and the laws that govern it.

It is a chemical compound produced by a living organism in nature. In a broad sense, natural products include any substance produced by life.

All the seas, rivers, lakes and other water currents of a country or an area.

Study of the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of continental and maritime water, its distribution and circulation on the surface of the Earth, in the soil and in the atmosphere.

It is a field of science that studies the seas and oceans and everything that is related to them, that is, the structure, composition and dynamics of these bodies of water