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Jouer Relier
1. Velocity
2. Speed
3. Acceleration

The car travels 65 miles per hour

Jamie runs to the cafeteria 5 m/s to get to the front of the line

Jimmy travels at a constant speed on the highway and then has to change lanes to take his exit for work

Brian skis south on the Blue mountain going 40 m/s

Bella slams on her brakes when she sees a turtle trying to cross the road

A mermaid swims one lap around the island 3 m/s

Kelly takes the speedboat to 20 miles per hour southeast on the lake

A turtle crawls across the road at 2 inches per second

Mary rides her scooter 12 m/s to her house in Lake Highlands

A car is traveling 60 miles per hour south on the freeway

The train slows down as it reaches its destination at Grand Central Station

Bobby runs 5 m/s north to his house

Joseph pedals his bicycle faster when he sees Mr. Clark's scary dog

The car comes to a complete stop at the red light

The Boeing jet is flying 750km southwest

Juan kicks a soccer ball that has been sitting in the grass

The rock rolls down the hill south going 10 m/s

The jet flies 345 m/s and breaks the sound barrier