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1 . The date of his birth ____________________ ____________________ mine .

2 . Arbor Day is a ( n ) ____________________ ____________________ for trees and the environment ,

3 . We are doing a ( n ) ____________________ ____________________ in our science class at the moment .

4 . Many people have very ____________________ ____________________ of the war .

5 . All the ____________________ ____________________ gave some money to help build a monument in town .

6 . In Scotland , There is a legend abput a ____________________ ____________________ called the Loch Ness Monster .

7 . I often go to see ____________________ ____________________ with my friends .

8 . There are many ____________________ ____________________ about monsters and beasts from around the world ,

9 . An evil man tries to trick the ____________________ ____________________ into going into the woods .

10 . It was a giant dinosaur type creature with a very ____________________ ____________________ .

11 . Morgawr is a strange sea creature that looks like a ____________________ ____________________ .

12 . The whole city ____________________ ____________________ during the carnival .

13 . They want to make a ____________________ ____________________ of a dinosaur on the beach .