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Dear diary :
Today , 12nd of ____________________ my school celebrates the ____________________ . The Carnival is a ____________________ in which the people ____________________ ____________________ with ____________________ and parades are made throughout the town . Although this year with the ____________________ we can´t make a party at school , the teachers have let us get dressed with the costume that we want . I know that my best friend John is going to go dress up as a ____________________ because he love pirate films . My friend Lola is going to ____________________ ____________________ as a witch because she only has this costume and I ? I don´t ____________________ which costume chooseeeee ! ! !
I have one of ____________________ , another of ____________________ which is full of feathers and another of ____________________ but this one I don´t like at all because when I try it I scare my sister , so ? . May be the best option is to dress up of ____________________ ! ? Ni ? no , ni - no ?