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____________________ and ____________________ were both widows , Naomi lost her husband and both sons . Because of this she changed her name to Mara , which means ____________________ . After her husband and sons died she told her daughter in laws to go ____________________ . Ruth told her that wherever Naomi ____________________ she'd ____________________ , Naomi's ____________________ would be her ____________________ , and Naomi's ____________________ would be her ____________________ .

They went to Bethlehem and Ruth gathered grain for them to eat . There , ____________________ saw her and praised her for being loyal , to Naomi . Boaz made sure Ruth was taken care for . When Ruth came home with a lot more than usual , Naomi asked whose ____________________ she went to . Ruth told her that it was Boaz's and Naomi was very happy because he was one of their family ____________________ .

Naomi tells Ruth to go to Boaz and ask him to be her ____________________ . She went and Boaz accepted but there was one person who had first pick . He talked to the other man , and when he found out he'd have to ____________________ Ruth he let Boaz be the redeemer instead .

Boaz redeems Ruth and marries her . Later they have a ____________________ that brings great ____________________ to Naomi .

The story of Ruth tells us about how ____________________ would be with us . Boaz redeemed Ruth and Jesus ____________________ us . He does that through the ____________________ that comes from Jesus ____________________ on the ____________________ for our ____________________ , and bringing us back into the family of God .