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1 . It doesn't matter that your new camera is ____________________ . After all it has a two year ____________________ from the company .

2 . The ____________________ of his camera is very old and lately it has become really ____________________ . He should buy a new one .

3 . If the ____________________ you buy has a guarantee from the company , it means that they have to ____________________ your device with no extra ____________________ .

4 . There's something ____________________ with my new TV , so I returned it to the store I bought it and they ____________________ it ____________________ to be repaired .

5 . Her mobile phone doen't ____________________ . The screen is ____________________ and and she cannot use it ____________________ .

6 . My dog is my best ____________________ . He brings me joy and he offers me ____________________ ____________________ every time he understands I feel sad .

7 . Scientists could identify the ____________________ ____________________ who attacked the city , after they had gathered some useful ____________________ .

8 . In the old times every family used to have their own ____________________ ____________________ to carry goods and move around .

9 . The new TV that was launched last month , offers a lot of ____________________ ____________________ , but it ____________________ conveniencebecause it's too big .

10 . Due to the Covid - 19 pandemic , people have become more ____________________ to ____________________ with others , through social media or meeting platforms such as Zoom or Skype .

11 . Our new robotic vacuum uses an ____________________ program to clean ____________________ ____________________ the mess we create every day .

12 . Modern ____________________ have become really smart nowadays and they make our life easier because of their ____________________ technology .

13 . - Hello doctor ! My tooth aches a lot .
- Oh , really ? ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ?

14 . The screen of my mobile phone was ____________________ , so I took it to the electronic store and they told me that they would ____________________ ____________________ and they would ____________________ ____________________ to tell me what was wrong .