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First major American novelist, author of frontier adventures: the Leatherstocking Tales, featuring the wilderness scout Natty Bumppo.

He was he 16th U.S. president, due in part to his opinion on slavery, the national infrastructure and protective tariffs.

This writer moved to Salem where losing his job turned into the chance to write his masterpiece: The Scarlet Letter.

He became famous for his fictional horror stories, was the U.S. ambassador to Spain and pushed for stronger copyright laws.

She started writing with her own name after her Civil War experiences. Little Women gave her a lifetime writing career.

Since she was a teen, she wrote hundreds of poems and letters that were published after her death.

He worked on several vessels, and his masterpiece, Moby-Dick, sold poorly. He was posthumously regarded a great American writer.

He became a national war hero and was elected the 7th U.S. president in 1828.

American writer well-known for his evocative short stories and poems of mystery and horror like The Black Cat.

He self-published the collection Leaves of Grass; controversial at its time, now an American classic.