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Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph .

My favourite picture was taken ____________________ 1983 and it reminds me how my life was ____________________ that time . The Internet wasn't made public ____________________ 1991 , so we used to look up information in books called encyclopedias . Also , ____________________ the 1980's we didn't use to have digital music . We listened to cassette tapes , and ____________________ , in the late 1980s we played our music in CD players .

Everyday when we arrived home ____________________ school , we would watch Nickelodeon , a TV channel just for kids , ____________________ eating a snack . Fashion was really different , too . ____________________ the 1980s , we wore neon colors . I had a shirt made from a special material that was heat - activated so it changed colors ____________________ I was wearing it .

____________________ my 16th birthday , I asked for my own telephone in my bedroom . ____________________ cell phones , we used telephones that had cords and were attached to the wall . It wasn't until ____________________ that we got cordless phones . Only when we look back ____________________ does everything seems so outdated , but back ____________________ , we thought we were so cool !