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One day, Rosa sits at the front of the bus and when a white man gets on the bus,

She died

At that time, there was racial segregation. It means that

A year later, the city ended segregation and

Rosa Parks was born

The bus driver phones the police and

The next day, black people in her city begin a boycott of the buses in protest of the racist laws.

So Rosa Parks was called

In buses, seats at the front were reserved for white people,

It was called "Montgomery Bus Boycott".

and the seats at the back were for black people.

on 4th February, 1913 in Alabama, in the USA.

Rosa is arrested.

things were different for white people and black people. They had separate schools, libraries, toilets, etc

the bus driver tells Rosa to stand up but she says “No” and she doesn’t move

on 24 October 2005

then the rest of the USA.

“the mother of the civil rights movement”.