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Expresses that a situation is likely in the present

Should is a modal verb

Expresses that a situation is likely in the future (prediction)

We use shouldn't

Expresses an obligation that is not as strong as Must.

After Should

to give advice, a recommendation or a suggestion

-Mary should be at home by now. Give her a call. -He should have the letter by now. I sent it a couple of weeks ago.

Sometimes Should is used instead of Must to make rules, orders or instructions sound more polite. This may appear more frequently on formal notices or on information sheets. -On hearing the fire alarm, hotel guests should leave their room immediately. -Passengers should check in at least 2 hours before departure time. -You should never lie to your doctor.

- They should win the game because they are a much better team. - I posted the cheque yesterday so it should arrive this week. - It should be fine tomorrow.

to advise not to do something, usually because it is bad or wrong to do. -We shouldn't leave without saying goodbye. -He shouldn't play with those wires if he doesn't know what he is doing.

you use the base form of the infinitive (= verb without To e.g. Go instead of To Go)