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1 . During her supervisor's absence , Jen took it upon herself to ____________________ a leadership role on her team .
2 . If you ____________________ between two positions , there is no way you will win the debate .
3 . Last night , I fell asleep listening to the ____________________ sounds of soft jazz .
4 . Speaking slowly in a ( n ) ____________________ manner , the ignorant waitress insulted the immigrant's intelligence when she acted as if he couldn't understand her .
5 . Throughout my grandmother's 96 years , she rarely went a day without her favorite ____________________ around her neck .
6 . Because the story was not written in a ( n ) ____________________ manner , its plot was difficult to understand .
7 . If we can prove this rule is not true , the ____________________ will be disproved .
8 . Although Noah tried very hard to ____________________ thoughts of Anna from his mind after the breakup , he still saw her face everywhere .
9 . The original Ford Model T car is considered ____________________ when compared to modern vehicles .
10 . Because the detectives could not catch the real killer , they arrested a vagrant as a ( n ) ____________________ to calm the worried public .
11 . My grandmother , who grew up in a small town where people never locked their doors , saw big cities as dens of ____________________ because of their crime rates .
12 . An artist's ____________________ is often full of spilled paint and half - used canvases .
13 . Because I was ____________________ with alcohol when I was younger , I am still quite healthy in my later years .
14 . Many ____________________ investors sold their tech stocks long before the market crashed .
15 . The general gave the troops a ( n ) ____________________ order they had to obey .