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This is your your brain’s emotional core, the limbic system. (A)

This part of your brain receives input from sensory nerves in your eyes, ears, mouth, face, skin, muscles, and internal organs and meet at the top of your spinal cord. (A)

[Pista de audio]

This part of your brain contains highly developed nerve communication networks that process new information through what are called executive functions, including judgment, analysis, organizing, problem solving, planning, and creativity (B)

If you feel overwhelmed, this part of the brain will take over resulting in responses such as: Fight or flight, hitting/punching, hiding, running away (C)

This region of your brain is home to the amygdala (B)

When you experience negative emotions like fear, anxiety, or even boredom, your amygdala’s filter takes over and puts your brain into survival mode, which blocks entry of any new information into your prefrontal cortex. (C)

It is in the executive region where your brain links new sensory input to both memories of your past and knowledge already stored in your long-term memory to make new connections (learn new content) (A)