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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Henry Hudson

The colony that William Penn was given...

King Charles the 2nd gave James Duke of York this colony

These are 3 jobs (other than farming!) you could have in the middle colonies

Why did everyone "want a piece" of the middle colonies?

William Penn's religion (and now, a famous brand of oatmeal!)

What natural feature made it easy for the middle colonies to sell and trade their goods by boat?

This colony was originally divided into 2 halves, east and west

Two HUGE cities today that were in the middle colonies...

This is the smallest colony of the middle colonies...


Philadelphia and New York City

blacksmith, shoemaker, printer!

This explorer was hired to find a trade route to Asia! (hint... he failed!)

New York!



New Jersey


They were perfect for farming! The "breadbasket" of the colonies