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Deep in tropical ____________________ lie floating kingdoms ruled by beautiful and deadly masters .

They're sort of the high elves of the ant kingdoms , ____________________ architects that create castles and city - states .

But they are also fierce , and , expansionist warriors and their kingdoms are ensnared in a never - ending war for ____________________ - Oecophylla Weaver ants .

Oecophylla Weavers walk on long legs , have slender bodies and large ____________________ which make them look pretty cute , ____________________ their strong mandible sand the ability to shoot acids also make them pretty good at killing , but more on that later .

Their ____________________ usually have two to three worker classes that vary dramatically in size - Majors ,

Minors , and sometimes , even tiny Minim workers . Depending on ____________________ and species , they vary in colour from dark brown to emerald green .