Créer une activité
Jouer Relier
1. Intimate Partner Violence
2. Sexual Assault
3. Sexual Harassment
4. Stalking
5. Sexual Exploitation


Recording, viewing, sharing video of sex acts without consent

Unwanted exposure to sexual images

Sending/leaving unwanted gifts or messages

Unwanted sexual touching

Rape (oral, anal, vaginal)

Using technological or online tools for tracking

Person in authority asking for sexual favors


Reproductive coercion or sabotage

Quid Pro Quo - I'll give you this if you give me that

Revenge Porn

Showing up unannounced

Economic control

Knowing personal details not shared

Emotional (put-downs, name calling)

Recording, viewing, sharing nude images without consent

Physical (assault, detaining, sexual violence)

Psychological (gaslighting, manipulation)

Prostituting another person

Repeated unwanted contact (3 or more times)

Childhood Sexual Abuse