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1 . I was hoping Kenny could ____________________ me ____________________ for a few days while I look for a flat .
2 . I've gained some weight , so I've decided to ____________________ ____________________ the gym .
3 . The police are determined to ____________________ ____________________ who killed Louise .
4 . If you miss a lot of classes , it's very difficult to ____________________ ____________________ .
5 . If we have much more rain , the game might be ____________________ ____________________ .
6 . We ____________________ ____________________ early the next morning .
7 . I've never ____________________ ____________________ anyone quite like her before .
8 . I don't know how they manage to ____________________ ____________________ £55 a week .
9 . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ fatty foods if you want to lose weight .
10 . In looks she ____________________ ____________________ her father .