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OVARY There are usually a left ovary and a right ovary. when puberty starts, that's when we kick it into high gear. We start to produce estrogen and progesterone, which are the hormones that make all the female changes of puberty happen and control the ovulation/menstruation cycle

OVUM I am the female sex cell necessary for human production. I am the largest single cell in the human body. I am only the size of a grain of sand. I contain half of the genetic material needed to create a new life. Along with about a million of my sisters, I was created in the ovary of a female fetus while she developed in the uterus. I say sisters, because all the ova are female. My sisters and I wait in the ovaries until we are mature enough to be released during ovulation.

CLITORIS I start out as the small round bud sticking out between the legs of the growing fetus. Eventually, I grow into an organ that is mostly inside the female body. Only the small, button-shaped tip of the clitoris is visible outside of the body. I fill with blood and get larger when aroused; it's just hard to tell, I am mostly inside the body. I am covered with nerve endings.

LABIA MAJORA I started out as the two folds of skin that surrounded the small bud in between the legs of the growing fetus, and I haven't changed much since then. During fetal development I turned into the larger folds of skin on either side of the opening of the vagina. Starting during puberty, I become covered in hair, and help protect the labia minora and the vaginal opening from coming in contact with bacteria or other things that could cause infection

FALLOPIAN TUBE There are usually a left and right fallopian tube. We look like short pieces of spaghetti, and our main job is to transport a fertilized ovum to the uterus. We don't get much work, since ovulation only happens once a menstrual cycle.

BARTHOLIN'S GLAND There are two of us located inside the vagina. We are small glands that produce a thin, clear fluid during sexual arousal. The fluid we produce is sometimes called vaginal wetness, because it makes the inside of the vagina a little a bit wet.

CLITORAL HOOD I am the fold of skin that surrounds the part of the clitoris that is visible outside of the body. When the clitoris is erect, I retract a little bit to give it some extra space. My main function is to protect the clitoris.

FORESKIN I am the double-layered fold of skin that covers the glans (head) of the penis. Sometimes I am removed through circumcision when males are very young. But, If not, I am usually fused with the glans until puberty, when I begin to separate from the glans so I can move down away from the head when the penis is erect. My main function is to protect the opening of the urethra when the penis is not erect.

SCROTUM I started out as the two folds of skin that surrounded the small bud in between the legs. During fetal development I turned into the wrinkly sac of skin that holds the testicles in place. The line down the middle that looks like a seam is where the two folds of skin is fused together. My main job is to keep the testicles at just the right temperature for producing sperm. I do this by using my muscles to pull the testicles closer to the body when they are too cold or letting the testicles hang further away from the body when they are too warm.

PENIS I start out as the small round bud sticking out between the legs of the growing fetus. Eventually, I grow into an organ that hangs outside the body. As males grow up and get taller, I grow too. During puberty, I usually go through a pretty big growth spurt. I have two main parts: the shaft and the glans. The shaft is the part shaped like a tube with spongy tissue inside that fills with blood when I become erect, and the glans is the rounded part at the top where the opening of the urethra is. Both parts help me do my job of carrying urine and semen out of the body.

SPERM I am the male sex cell necessary for human production. I am the largest single cell in the human body. I contain half of the genetic material for a new life, and I'm the one who decides if a baby is going to be female or male. I'm pretty lonely by myself since I'm used to being surrounded by millions and millions of my brothers and sisters. we are all created in the testicle and then have to wait in the epididymis until we are mature enough to be released.

TESTICLE There are usually a right testicle and left testicle. We look pretty much the same, except one hangs down a little lower than the other one. Once puberty starts, testosterone starts to produce changes in the male body, this leads to the production of sperm.

Cowper's Gland There are two of us in the male reproductive system. We are pea-shaped glands that produce a clear, watery fluid during sexual arousal. The fluid makes the inside of the urethra slippery, which makes it easier for the sperm to travel through the urethra during ejaculation. The fluid we produce is sometimes called pre-ejaculate, because it comes out of the tip of the penis before ejaculation.

VAS DEFERENS There are usually a left and right Vas Deferens. We look like long pieces of spaghetti, and our main job is to transport the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. Once puberty begins, we are usually pretty busy, especially when the male body is experiencing nocturnal emissions (wet dreams)