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Jouer Relier Colonnes

At the time of its founding, did it have the same name as it has now?

In the first group that graduated, were there more girls or more boys?

When did the first promotion graduate from the high school level?

When was the students’s unioin created?

Who was the first invigilator?

When was it founded?

Who was the first headteacher?

What characteristics did the first uniform have?

When did Ignacio Quesada start as the headteacher?

How many classrooms were there when school started?

When did the first class graduate from the primary level?

Were the courses divided into social and natural sciences before?

It was a white shirt and a blue tie. Girls wore a grey jumper and boys wore grey trousers.

In 2008

Two: one small and one larger.

In nineteen ninety-eight

At the beginning there was natural sciences only

In 1994

There were more girls.

In 2019

In 2010

No. It was called "Nuestra Señora de Luján" High School

She was Marian Jauregui.

He was Oscar Garcia