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Doc, I’ve been getting hot flashes. I had them under control, but now I just can’t seem to get comfortable. I know the “change” is hard on women but this is getting ridiculous. Should I go on hormone therapy?

Doctor, I have been seeing a psychiatrist for my anxiety and nervousness. I find that I get angry and confused easily too. He gave me pills but they are NOT WORKING! I really don’t know why I feel this way. There is nothing stressful going on. Everything is perfect actually. Why do I feel this way?

Your nurse was very nice. He brought me some water. I am just always so cotton mouth; I feel like I can’t get enough to drink. My skin is dry too. What kind of lotion do you recommend? I play goalie for the Churchill soccer team, but my game is off. I keep letting the other team score on me; my coordination is off.

Lately I have been sooooooooo tired and weak. I don’t know what’s come over me. Usually on Friday I go to the nail salon, but this week my manicurist said that my nails are really weak and brittle. Is there something wrong? Was it the manicurists fault?

Doc, I need to go to the hospital. My tummy is so bad right now and nothing seems to help. I cannot keep anything down. I keep vomiting and passing gas. A LOT of gas. I keep forcing myself to eat even though I am not hungry, but I am losing so much weight because of this. Is it food poisoning? The flu?

It is the strangest thing, but I used to get my hair cut every 6 weeks like clockwork, but this time it’s been 3 months and my hair doesn’t need a trim. My nails aren’t growing either. I asked the gals at the salon but they said I looked normal to them so what’s up doc?

Hey Doc! I need to see a plastic surgeon. I have these bulging blue veins on my legs! What are they? Can the plastic surgeon get rid of them? Also, I want a face lift or injections to get rid of these wrinkles. How much longer is this going to be? I am really in a hurry I have to go to the salon to get my hair dyed to cover these grays. I want to look my best for my 29th birthday!

My dentist says he doesn’t know why I’ve been getting so many cavities and my regular doctor doesn’t know why my bones have had a few stress fractures. I haven’t had any accidents. They can’t find anything wrong with me. HELP!

Sup, Doc? I am wearing a wig now because the hair loss is so bad. Also, my teeth feel like they are wiggling in my mouth. Can adult’s teeth fall out like kids? I am having trouble eating for other reasons too. My tummy is upset all the time. Am I getting old? I thought I was too young for this.

I need sleeping pills. I am so tired but I cannot sleep at all because I keep getting muscle cramps in my legs. This is totally stressing me out and my heart is fluttering. Oh, and even my gums are bleeding when I brush them! WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?! I think it must be Ebola.

CALCIUM DEFICIENCY Symptoms: Heart palpitations (abnormal heartbeat), high blood pressure, insomnia, muscle cramps, receding gum lines Treatment: eat more dairy, leafy green vegetables, beans and fish

COPPER DEFICIENCY Symptoms: tired and weakness, hair is turning gray, skin is wrinkling and varicose veins are forming. Treatment: eat organ meats, fish, nuts, mushrooms.

SODIUM DEFICIENCY Symptoms: loss of appetite, shrinking muscles, gas, vomiting, dehydration, and rapid weight loss. Treatment: eat processed and salt preserved foods. Use more table salt

BORON DEFECIENCIES Boron helps prevent osteoporosis. It can help treat hot flashes and other side effects during menopause by regulating hormone levels in the body. Treatment: eat more fruits and vegetables.

MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY Symptoms: Anger, nervousness, and confusion. Treatment: Eat leafy greens and nuts

IRON DEFICIENCY Symptoms: lethargic (tired), weakness, bruises easily, and brittle fingernails. Treatment: eat apricots, meat, eggs, spinach, and fish

SULFUR DEFICIENCY Symptoms: Hair and nails are not growing. Treatment: eat more beans, beef, clams, cabbage, and peanuts.

PHOSPHORUS DEFICIENCY Symptoms: Thirst, dry skin, and poor reflexes. Treatment: eat more cheese, milk, yogurt, and meat

FLUORINE DEFICIENCY Symptoms: weak bones and teeth Treatment: eat apples, liver, kidney, fish and tea.

CHLORINE DEFICIENCY Symptoms: Hair loss, teeth loose and some falling out! Nutrients in food are not being digested properly. Treatment: eat more table salt, olives, rye bread and seaweed