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____________________ - Nine ____________________ Extract The ____________________ whom I almost ____________________ into insisted on ____________________ me for a ____________________ and a change of ____________________ - my tweed ____________________ had been badly ____________________ by the ____________________ , and the ____________________ of my ____________________ had been pretty well ____________________ to ____________________ . He lent me a ____________________ driving ____________________ and we set off to his ____________________ . Over our ____________________ my host told me his ____________________ . It turned out that Sir ____________________ - for that was the young man's ____________________ - had ____________________ round the ____________________ after finishing his ____________________ at ____________________ , and had only ____________________ returned to ____________________ . He seemed ____________________ a decent , ____________________ young ____________________ . After our ____________________ we drank ____________________ in the big , cheery ____________________ - room , where his ____________________ had laid a ____________________ wood ____________________ . I saw by my host's ____________________ that he was the ____________________ you can ____________________ . ____________________ , Sir ____________________ , said I - 'I've got ____________________ pretty ____________________ to ____________________ to you . If you'll ____________________ me your ____________________ for ____________________ an ____________________ I am going to ____________________ you a ____________________ .