Créer une activité
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1 . - I love fruit , that's why I bought ____________________ apples .
2 . - I can't eat ____________________ nuts because I'm allergic .
3 . - My best friend doesn't like pizza . But he eats ____________________ slices sometimes .
4 . - We don't need to buy ____________________ carrots , just three .
5 . - I 'm lactose intolerant , that's why I don't drink ____________________ milk . Just little once in a while .
6 . - My friends eat ____________________ junk food , they're not healthy at all .
7 . - I have to consume ____________________ calories , they're dangerous .
8 . - My mother should eat ____________________ meat . It's bad for her health .
9 . - I need ____________________ eggs , these aren't enough .
10 . - There are ____________________ cookies left . I opened the box this morning .