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What was the American Revolution to the French and Indian War?

What did the Stamp Act require?

Why did the French and Indian War exist?

Why was the Stamp Act abolished after one year?

Who dressed like First Americans (Indians) and dumped tea into Boston Harbor?

What was most important to the newly forming nation by the Second Continental Congress?

Who benefited when a colonist purchased one of the stamps?

What did the Declaration of Independence consist of?

Who were allies for both sides (British and French)?

When did King George III rule Great Britain?

What came as a result of the Boston Tea Party?

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and addressed it with King George III?

What happened when the British Parliament closed the port of Boston and took away the rights of the Massachusetts Bay colonial assembly?

How was the British East India Company able to sell tea?

How was the war's debt paid?

Who decided that the debt from the French and Indian War must be paid by the American colonists?

Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

Why did the colonists feel that the laws and taxes passed by the British were unfair?

Why were slaves and women not allowed to vote?

What did King George III refuse?

What did the grievance list?

When did the Second Continental Congress met?

Who met to address concerns about the Coercive Acts imposed upon the colonist by Britain?

King George III of England

Ideas of freedom

Although the Declaration of Independence stated that all men equal, they were not considered equal.

Because the British and French were fighting over land that both countries had claimed.

Through the Tea Act which gave them exclusive rights to sell tea

Because they had no representation in British Parliament

A direct tax on paper items/printed goods including newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards.

a catalyst

The Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

Thomas Jefferson

Because the colonists protested the taxes on paper goods.

The British Parliament

The Sons of Liberty

On May 10, 1775 in Philadephia

Because the colonists were unhappy with British rules and wanted their independence.

Different groups of Native Americans

A list of grievances against King George III.

before, during, and after the American Revolution

a series of acts (laws) were passed

The First Continental Congress

The creation of the Continental Army and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence

To accept the American petitions

They began to self-govern.