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Can / could you close the door?

You can use the toilet if you need to.

- May I use your computer? - Yes, you may.

You needn't give me back my camera until I go on holiday next month.

We need to buy some batteries for our camera.

You musn't make a noise during the exam.

I am not able to drive a lorry, only a car.

I was abroad on holiday at the time of the general election but I was able to vote by post.

Pamela isn't at home and I know she works a lot. She must be at work.

Marty can play the guitar better than anyone I know.

My father can't drive but my grandmother can.

Shall I carry your bags?

Bob ought to be more careful when he is driving: he is a real danger to pedestrians.

You must train very hard if you want to be a successful athlete

She was a gifted child and could read when she was only three years old.

Can I help you?

He could be at a friend's house.

She used to play with me in the playground when we were at school.

uso: pedir a otra persona que haga algo

uso: expresar hábitos y rutinas en el pasado

uso: recomendaciones, sugerencias, consejos, opiniones

uso: posibilidad/ incertidumbre

uso: deducciones

uso: ausencia de obligación o necesidad

uso: necesidad

uso: habilidad, capacidad y conocimiento (pasado)

uso: permiso (pedir permiso)

uso: ausencia de habilidad, capacidad y conocimiento (presente) SEMI-MODAL

uso: hacer ofrecimientos

uso: habilidad, capacidad y conocimiento (presente)

uso: ausencia de habilidad, capacidad y conocimiento (presente)

uso: ofrecerse uno mismo para hacer algo (formal)

uso: permiso (dar permiso)

uso: habilidad, capacidad y conocimiento (pasado) SEMI-MODAL

uso: obligación

uso: prohibición