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'Uncle Elias went immediately ____________________ the secret room and took ____________________ a box which also had three Ks ____________________ it . He burnt all the papers ____________________ the box , and said ____________________ me , " John , I know that I'm going to die soon . My brother , your father , will have all my money and my house ____________________ my death , and you will have it all when he dies . I hope you can enjoy it , but if not , give it ____________________ your worst enemy . I'm afraid that my money brings death ____________________ it . "
'I didn't understand what he meant , and nothing happened ____________________ a few weeks , so I did not feel so worried . But my uncle was very afraid . He stayed ____________________ his room most ____________________ the time , and drank more ____________________ before . He always locked all the doors carefully . Then one night he drank very heavily and ran wildly ____________________ ____________________ the house , and ____________________ the morning we found him dead ____________________ a river . The police said he killed himself , but I knew he was afraid to die , so I didn't think that was true . '
Holmes stopped the young man ____________________ a minute . 'Tell me , ' he said . 'When did your uncle get the letter ____________________ India , and when did he die ? '
'The letter arrived ____________________ 10th March 1883 , and he died seven weeks later , ' answered John Openshaw .
'Thank you . Please go on , ' said Holmes .
'After my uncle's death , my father moved ____________________ the house . ____________________ course I asked him to look carefully ____________________ the locked room , but we didn't find anything important . '