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1 . I am watching a very ____________________ film . I really like it !
2 . This book is so ____________________ that I want to sleep .
3 . " Titanic " is a really ____________________ film . I always want to cry when I watch it .
4 . When I am on holiday I feel ____________________ . I don't think about my problems .
5 . My sister is ____________________ in biology . She wants to be a doctor .
6 . This match is so ____________________ ! My favourite team is winning !
7 . I am very ____________________ because I am unemployed .
8 . Shopping can be very ____________________ if you don't have a lot of money .
9 . Mom , I don't have any friends to play with ! I feel very ____________________ !
10 . Sitting on the grass or listening to music can be ____________________ .