Even if you are nervous, jumping off the high dive is an unforgettable experience.
Hiking, skiing, and climbing are great activities to do in the mountains.
Tourists traveling to Rome will want to see these five sites.
Skiing, a winter sport, is great exercise.
Hawaii has beautiful sunsets.
Disneyland is a great place to go on a family vacation.
There are four ways to make homemade clay.
When I decided to take my dog for a walk, my mom gave me some good advice.
Although I enjoy football, baseball is my favorite.
Running, swimming, and bicycling are great forms of exercise.
You can always count on my dad to help with homework.
Former President Bush, a republican, is from Texas.
Tennis swings include the forehand, the backhand, and the volley.
Sugar City, a town in southeast Idaho, is a great place to live.
I have three sisters.