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1. Introductions
2. Asking for a favor
3. Self Control
4. Joining in
5. How to interrupt in a conversation
6. Resisting Peer Pressure

suggest something else to do

Explaing why you need a favor

Shaking Hands

ask a friend to help introduce you

Politely ask if you can participate

Politely say "I don't mean to be rude, but may I interrupt for a moment?"

Say clearly that you do not want to participate

Build a relationship with them beforehand

Leave the situation

Polietly say "I'm sorry to cut you off, but I have somewhere I need to get to"

count to 10 when you have an urge to do something

Asking for someone elses name

ask what the activity or conversation is about

Tell them you appreciate any help they can give

Reflect on consequence sof decisions

Saying your name

wait for a pause in the conversation

Make a list of times you have made bad decisions