This tool is used to remove electrical insulation from electric wires.
Place where are the hand tools and machines necessaries to make any type of repair and maintenance works.
It is object used to keep the hand tools when they are not in use.
Object needed to perform a job easier and faster.
Type of pliers used for cutting fine, medium and big leads (cables)
Type of screwdriver used to tighten or loosen flathead screws
A type of screwdriver used to tighten or loosen crosshead screws. This is used to drive screws with cross slots head.
Tool used to loosen and tighten any type of screws with slots.
Tools are used to hold, bend, grip and cut any type of cables (leads) and wires
This pliers is used for cutting and holding fine wires, it can reach tight spaces or small openings where other pliers cannot reach.
Philips or cross screwdriver
Long nose pliers
Side cutting pliers
Electric workshop
Flat screwdriver
Linesman's pliers
Wire stripper