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1 . I play with my brother ____________________ Mondays .
2 . She loves to visit her mother ____________________ Christmas Day .
3 . My sister wakes up ____________________ 7 : 30 .
4 . Everybody in my house , reads a book ____________________ nights .
5 . My mother was born ____________________ 1980 .
6 . I watch TV ____________________ the afternoons .
7 . My friends sang ____________________ my birthday .
8 . We have vacations ____________________ July and August .
9 . My brother always cries ____________________ Christmas .
10 . ____________________ their anniversary , my parents made a party .
11 . ____________________ the weekend , I usually listen to music .
12 . I often eat an apple ____________________ the evenings .
13 . My dog pees ____________________ midnight .
14 . My birthday is ____________________ December .
15 . I will meet my best friend ____________________ Tuesday morning .
16 . My aunt cooks ____________________ Friday night .
17 . I would like to live ____________________ the 80's .
18 . There is a lot of rain ____________________ winter .
19 . Carmen's birthad is ____________________ June 20th .