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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Tip of the iceberg

Through the grapevine

Under the table

Throw a curve

That's the way the ball bounces

Tickled Pink

Tighten your belt

Up a creek without a paddle

Throw in the towel

Turn over a new leaf

Touch and go

Up against the wall

Turn the other cheek

Under the weather

Till the cows come home

In secret; dishonesty

To ignore something bad

In big double; in a difficult and desperate situation

To surprise someone in an unpleasant way

Rumors or gossip spread between people

Just a small part of a larger problem

To live on less money; to make sacrifices

For a long, long time

To be delighted; to be very amused or pleased

Very risky, uncertain

Sick; not feeling well

that's the way life is--we can't do anything about it

In deep trouble and can't do anything about it

To make a fresh start

To give up; to quit