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Dave : It's really hot . Would you ____________________ a drink ? or an ice cream ?
Becca : Yes , why not ? Let's go to the café .
Dave : ____________________ kind of ice cream do you ____________________ ?
Becca : Er , a Magnum if they have it . . .
Dave : Here you are . One Magnum .
Becca : Thanks , Dave .
Dave : ____________________ do you ____________________ ?
Becca : Very near here , in Park Road . And you ?
Dave : I live quite near , in Queen's Road . ____________________ do you ____________________ , Becca ?
Becca : I'm a journalist .
Dave : Really ? How interesting ! Do you ____________________ for a newspaper ?
Becca : No , for TV . What about you ?
Dave : I'm a teacher . I'm in holiday now .
Becca : Me too . Oh ! My ice cream .
Dave : Dolly ! Bad dog ! I'm really sorry .
Becca : That's okay .
Dave : ____________________ you want another ice cream ?
Becca : No , thanks .
Dave : Are you sure ? I'm really sorry . Look let's have lunch one day . Are you free on Saturday ?
Becca : Oh , weel . Ok then . Yes . Thank you very muc h