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1 . It is said that this orchestra is the best in the world This orchestra ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the best in the world
2 . It is believed that the thieves have left the country . The thieves ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ have left the country
3 . The fire is reported to have started by accident . It ____________________ ____________________ that the fire started by accident .
4 . He is known to be making a lot of money . It ____________________ ____________________ that he is making a lot of money
5 . It is expected that they will arrive in time for dinner . They ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ arrive in time for dinner .
6 . The teacher has been teaching us grammar . Grammar ____________________
7 . You must wear protective clothing in the testing area . Protective clothing ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ in the testing area .
8 . Someone has stolen my wallet . My wallet ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
9 . The police are questioning two men at the police station . Two men ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ at the police station .
10 . The police have arrested four men in connection with yesterday's robbery . Four men ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ in connection with yesterday's robbery .