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SALLY : We are ____________________ to the rock concert on Sunday night . We are ____________________ outside the stadium at 5 . 00
JEAN : Why are you ____________________ so early ?
SALLY : It ____________________ ____________________ to be difficult to get in . People ____________________ ____________________ from all over the country
JEAN : It ____________________ ____________________ to be a long wait . You ____________________ ____________________ to be hungry
SALLY : That's all right . I ____________________ ____________________ to take sandwiches . Are you coming ?
JEAN : No , I ____________________ ____________________ . We've got exams on Monday and I am not ____________________ ____________________ fail this time
SALLY : Bad luck ! You are going to have a dull weekend
JEAN : Yes , in a way . Enjoy the concert !
SALLY : Thanks a lot . How's Alex ?
JEAN : I ____________________ ____________________ him tomorrow . He says he ____________________ ____________________ abroad for his holidays in the summer . Look , after my exams I ____________________ ____________________ to ring everyone and we ____________________ ____________________ to have a party - if I pass , anyway !