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____________________ and ____________________ , two well - known organochlorinated compounds , have been detected in the ____________________ of animals that live in the Arctic or Antarctic all year round . These molecules are ingested at the ____________________ of the food ____________________ and gradually make their way ____________________ , until they are found at elevated concentrations in the largest ____________________ , such as polar bears and humans . Biologists are now beginning to record the health effects on individuals at the upper end of the food chain , with cases of low fertility , immune deficiency , disruptions to the endocrine system , ____________________ mutations being seen . These effects may endanger the ____________________ of some polar species Among the main threats currently hovering over the poles , the long - distance transport of contaminants from ____________________ or agricultural areas to the polar regions is of particular concern . In the Arctic , various ice ____________________ samples extracted from the Greenland Ice Sheet show that the effects of industrial pollution have already been felt for about a century . Today , particles of soot , nitrogen and sulphur dioxide ( ____________________ rain ) , ____________________ ( PCBs , DDT , etc . ) , heavy metals , ____________________ isotopes , etc . can be detected in measurable quantities in the air , snow , sediment and water of the polar regions . This is particularly true in the Arctic , where many ____________________ from the northern hemisphere are collected ( also as the result of river runoff ) . Of all the many pollutants released into the environment by human activity , ____________________ organic pollutants ( POPs ) are among the most dangerous . POP with the worst reputation is DDT . DDT's stability , persistence and widespread use , especially in ____________________ countries , have all contributed to the fact that residues of the compound are now found as far afield as the polar environment , for example , or in polar bears in the Arctic . The harmful effects on the eggshells of birds , was highlighted clearly by scientists in the 1970s . This led to strict restrictions on the use of DDT and ultimately to its almost total ban . Despite this , the presence of DDT can still be detected in ____________________ all over the world . ____________________ ( polychlorinated biphenyls ) , also POPs , are used to manufacture transformers , condensers , plastics and paint additives . PCBs include about ____________________ different products , all highly toxic even in low doses . Studies have demonstrated their sterilising immunosuppressant effects on many species in the animal kingdom including seals and ____________________ in the polar regions . Because they are highly stable , POPs persist in the environment for several ____________________ or even decades . This allows them to circulate across the entire globe via a process called the ? grasshopper effect ? - an often seasonal phenomenon in which successive evaporations and deposits enable transportation following atmospheric currents . In the Arctic , for example , pollutants come essentially from two sources : the east and west coasts of North ____________________ in winter ( big cities and industrials regions ) and from central Europe in ____________________ ( industry and power stations of the former Soviet Bloc , among others ) . The ice ecosystems at both the North and South Poles have been particularly affected by POPs that find their way into the food chain through land plants and marine plankton and filtering organisms that absorb the nutrients in the water column . They are then eaten by fish , accumulating in their adipose tissue ( fat ) . POPs are extremely persistent and highly lipophilic , so that they end up becoming concentrated in the adipose tissue of animals higher up the food chain , where they can reach levels up to several tens of thousands of times higher than in the surrounding environment . POPs climb up the food chain from fish to birds and finally reach the large marine mammals ( as well as humans ) at the top of the food chain , at increasing concentrations . The traditional ____________________ of Arctic peoples is based on hunting and ____________________ , which means that the accumulation of POPs and ____________________ in the food chain has an effect on human health . Due to their migration , birds also spread POPs that they have ingested throughout the entire land - based ____________________ , sometimes several thousand kilometres from their original source . Pollution in the Arctic is of particular concern at the top of the food chain , where heavy metals and other pollutants are found in polar bears , belugas , orcas , etc . Scientists from the environmental protection organisation WWF have shown that ____________________ ( killer whales ) are now the most polluted predator in the ____________________ .