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1 . A management information system ( MIS ) provides information that is needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively . [ 1 ] Managementinformation systems are not only computer systems - these systems encompass three primary components : technology , people ( individuals , groups , or organizations ) , and data / information for decision making . Management information systems are distinct from other information systems in that they are designed to be used to analyze and facilitate strategic and operational activities in the ____________________ . [ 2 ] Academically , the term is commonly used to refer to the study of how individuals , groups , and organizations evaluate , design , implement , manage , and utilize systems to generate information to ____________________ efficiency and effectiveness of decision making , including systems termed decision support systems , expert systems , and executive information systems .

2 . Over time , the term MIS broadened to include : decision support systems , resource managementand human resource management , ____________________ resource planning ( ERP ) , ____________________ performance management ( EPM ) , ____________________ chain management ( SCM ) , ____________________ relationship management ( CRM ) , project management and database retrieval applications .

3 . ____________________ Systems are computer program applications used by middle management to compile information from a wide range of sources to support problem solving and decision making .

4 . ____________________ Systems is a reporting tool that provides quick access to summarized reports coming from all company levels and departments such as accounting , human resources and operations .

5 . ____________________ information systems are MIS designed specifically for managing the marketing aspects of the business .

6 . ? ____________________ automation systems ( OAS ) support communication and productivity in the enterprise by automating work flow and eliminating bottlenecks . OAS may be implemented at any and all levels of management .

7 . ? ____________________ management information systems ( MIS ) cover school administration , and often including teaching and learning materials .