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Maleagant stopped in a ____________________ surrounded by large rocks . Lancelot ____________________ behind the rocks , so he could surprise Maleagant . Maleagant ____________________ Guinevere's hands and feet , as he wished to rest after the long journey . He stood before Guinevere , ____________________ at her with the dark , ____________________ eyes she had first seen and disliked in him .
" If you do not have what you ____________________ in this world Guinevere , you must take it , one way or another . "
As he said this , Lancelot ____________________ on the rocks above him . Only Guinevere could see him . She
looked at his kind , brave face and he ____________________ her with a ____________________ of his head that he was there for her .
" There is a man who is about to ____________________ the world you think you know so well . "
" If you mean that ____________________ you wish to call your husband , you are less ____________________ than I thought . "
" There are more men than the king who ____________________ in what is true and just . "
At that , Lancelot jumped from the rocks above Maleagant's head and ____________________
him to the ground . Without a helmet , without ____________________ where Lancelot was ,
Maleagant was dead before he could ____________________ his sword .
" I thank you for saving me , but perhaps there is one who will be even more ____________________ . We ____________________ to marry today . He is the King , Arthur . "
" I was on my way to Camelot when I saw what happened . I am ____________________ . "
Lancelot ____________________ before Guinevere . She was ____________________ .
" Stand sir . I am not yet a queen and do not ____________________ such honour . "
" Yet your beauty ____________________ should have told me that one day I would ____________________ you . "