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Recognising emotions

In a new study , scientists say that teenagers aren't very good
____________________ understanding how other people ____________________ . Also , they often have
problems recognising their ____________________ feelings . So , what can teenagers
do ? We ask two psychologists ____________________ advice .

Dr Nash : 'People often think it's ____________________ to understand how others feel ,
but that's not true . For example , when someone says they're happy ,
it doesn't ____________________ are . So , don't just listen to what people
are saying . Think ____________________ how they're saying it - the way they talk ,
their faces and ____________________ language . Consider the situation , too . Don't
forget that people ____________________ their emotions in different ____________________ : some
people cry when they're happy , or laugh when they're ____________________ . '

Dr Reed : 'I'm not ____________________ teenagers have problems recognising
emotions . Actually , it's difficult ____________________ everyone ! The ability to
understand your own feelings is very ____________________ . When you're
having a bad day , stop and think why you're feeling this way .
Then ____________________ the emotion : are you sad , ____________________ or angry ?
Sometimes when people are angry they say things they later feel
____________________ about . So , before you do anything , try to calm ____________________ . Talk to
someone about your ____________________ and ask for ____________________ . '