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A : Will you accept the offer ? B : It ____________________ ____________________ the money they offer .
A : Do you ____________________ ____________________ aliens ? B : No , I don't think they exist .
A : You broke her heart . B : Yeah , I know I need to ____________________ ____________________ her .
How did she ____________________ ____________________ getting 100 from midterm ? That's impossible .
A : Who is going to ____________________ ____________________ the meal ? B : Let's go Dutch !
When he first moved to New York , he didn't have enough money , so he had to ____________________ ____________________ financial difficulties .
You always ____________________ ____________________ cold weather in Ankara . Come on . That is not even cool !
I try not to ____________________ ____________________ people in traffic because they may be dangerous .
This car ____________________ ____________________ Quentin Tarantino . I didn't know he was driving a Renault .
If you break someone's pen , always ____________________ ____________________ him / her for your mistake .