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The EU produces its own legislation ( known as regulations , directives and ____________________ ) . To ensure that the law is ____________________ , understood and uniformly applied in all Member States , a ____________________ institution is essential . That institution is the Court of Justice of the European Union . It is composed of three ____________________ : the Court of Justice ( created in 1952 ) , the General Court ( created in 1988 as the Court of First Instance ) and The Civil Service Tribunal ( created in 2004 ) .
The Court of Justice and the General Court today have clearly defined spheres of ____________________ . The Court of Justice examines the ____________________ of EU legislation and ensures that EU laws are ____________________ and ____________________ in a uniform manner . Particularly in the context of references for preliminary ____________________ it works in collaboration with all of the national courts .
The General Court has jurisdiction to hear at first instance all direct actions brought by ____________________ or ____________________ ____________________ , except for those specifically reserved to the Court of Justice .
The creation of a specialist ____________________ , the Civil Service Tribunal , has relieved the Court of First Instance of cases between the institutions and their ____________________ .